- Previous Community Engagement Sessions
- Frequently Asked Questions
- General Questions
- Flood Mitigation Impacts on Land Use
- Land Acquisition
- Berm Questions
- Vibration Monitoring
- Ground Seepage
- Tree Removal
- Downtown
- Lehigh
- Urban Tree Strategy
- Memorial Benches
- Monetary Questions
- Centennial Park
- Midland
- Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA)
- Willow Estates
- North Drumheller (Michichi Creek & Grove Plaza)
- Newcastle
- Glossary of Terms
- Nacmine Berm
- Resources
- Glossary of Terms
- Flood Mitigation Project Schedule
If the Michichi Creek Berm doesn’t overtop during an 1,850 m3/s elevation flood event, then why is it being built higher?
The purpose of the Drumheller Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Office is to protect the people and property in Drumheller from loss due to flooding. The current Berm does not meet the design standards for future adaptability which includes a 4m top width and a 0.5m freeboard. As well, the portion of the Berm along Michichi Creek does need to be raised as it is not high enough.
Is it possible for the Michichi Creek Berm to have public access and a pathway on top?
No. The FMO does not have available funding for new pathways. Furthermore, this Berm overlooks the campground and some adjacent landowners. The privacy of commercial and residential property is of great importance to the Flood Mitigation Office, so the only pathways undertaken will be for the Berms that already have an existing pathway.
Why is the maintenance access on top of the Grove Plaza Berm made out of gravel instead of grass?
The gravel is required for accessing the Berm safely during upgrades, repairs, and maintenance. Gravel also provides stability needed to support the weight of heavy equipment vehicles.
Why do we need a retaining wall for the Grove Plaza Berm?
The retaining wall for the Grove Plaza Berm allows for vehicle access (including emergency vehicles) to the back entrance of the mall and the ATCO utility box.
Will the fishing hole at the end of the Grove Plaza Berm still allow for public access?
Yes, the Grove Plaza Berm will continue to allow for public access, including the fishing hole.
Will Alberta Transportation be raising their Berms as well?
The Town of Drumheller has shared the proposed flood mitigation plans with Alberta Transportation. Further discussions with Alberta Transportation will be held to determine what, if any, changes need to be made to their timber wall and Berm to accommodate the flood plans. We expect they will raise their Berms and need to have our Berms built to the standard design levels to be ready.
What changes are being made, if any, to the Gordon Taylor Bridge?
Alberta Transportation is responsible for the Gordon Taylor Bridge. The Town of Drumheller has shared the proposed flood mitigation plans with Alberta Transportation and it is up to them to determine what, if any, changes need to be made to the bridge to accommodate the flood plans.
Will Alberta Transportation follow the same flood design requirements as the Flood Mitigation Office for their Berms?
The design flood standard set by the Province of Alberta for the Town of Drumheller is 1,850m3/s. The Town of Drumheller has shared the proposed flood mitigation plans with Alberta Transportation, including the design standards for the Towns’ new infrastructure. Further discussions with Alberta Transportation will be held to determine what, if any, changes need to be made to the timber wall and berm to accommodate the flood plans.
What will realigning Michichi Creek to accommodate a new Berm look like?
Michichi Creek will be moved a bit towards the east with a constant gradient for the stretch of the re-alignment.