Urban Forest Survey

Our team has conducted thorough site assessments and pinpointed several promising areas for Urban Forest Development. Your insights are crucial in ensuring we make the best decisions for our community's green spaces. The survey period is from July 5th to August 19th, 2024.


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East Coulee Update

Posted on Nov. 23 2023

Attention East Coulee residents!  

The Flood Office would like to bring to your attention the latest developments concerning our flood mitigation projects within the East Coulee community: 

Shrub and Brush Clearing 

In anticipation of winter and to maximize riprap storage, we will be clearing shrubs and brush on the wet side of the berm at the upstream end. The designated area will be marked off before any tree clearing begins. Rest assured, this process will not impact adjacent landowners, and no private trees will be removed.  

Driveway Repairs 

The Town of Drumheller has reviewed and approved a contractor quote to widen driveway structures and resurface roads. This work is scheduled to commence in the coming weeks, and we will provide further updates to impacted landowners once the schedule is confirmed.  

Pathway and Topsoil 

Our contractor has confirmed that topsoil spreading has yet to be completed for this area. To ensure optimal results, our landscaping contractor has advised that this work should be carried out in the spring to minimize the risk of winter erosion and will be returning to do so. The contractor will also be responsible for implementing erosion and sediment control measures to prevent topsoil loss off the berm side slope during this interim period. Additionally, the pathway will be revitalized with crushed asphalt surfacing in the spring.  

Thank you for your cooperation and support in keeping our community safe and beautiful! 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Flood Mitigation projects, please feel free to contact us at floodreadiness@drumheller.ca.  

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