Urban Forest Survey

Our team has conducted thorough site assessments and pinpointed several promising areas for Urban Forest Development. Your insights are crucial in ensuring we make the best decisions for our community's green spaces. The survey period is from July 5th to August 19th, 2024.

Are you proposing to abandon one of the Newcastle Ball Diamonds for construction of a Berm in this area?

No. There are no plans to abandon Newcastle Ball Diamonds for Berm construction.

As the current berms in Drumheller do not meet the design flood elevation of 1850 m3/s plus 0.5m freeboard, if someone intends to take out a development permit do they have to build the main floor to 1850 m3/s plus 0.5 m freeboard?

Residents located within the flood hazard overlay in the Land Use Bylaw must construct the first floor of their houses to the flood construction level which is the water elevation of an 1850 m3/s flow rate on the Red Deer River. Residents are not required to include a freeboard, however, building above the flood construction level increases their resilience to future flood events. The flood construction level for protected areas will be re-evaluated in the Land Use Bylaws once the berms are built.

In regard to the "protected flood fringe" area and when does the Town intend to address this concept in the Town's Land Use Bylaw so that realtors and property owners have knowledge of future regulations?

Protected flood fringe areas will consist of areas that are currently located within the Flood Hazard overlay (1850 m3/s) but are located behind dikes that provide the same level of protection. Until the berms are constructed to the proper elevation, these areas are not considered to be in the protected flood fringe. Work on future regulations for these areas will be on-going over the next few months, in parallel with the berm construction.

When will the Town address the conflicting information in the Municipal Development Plan with regards to building berms to 1640 m3/s plus 0.75 m freeboard and 1850 m3/s plus 0.75 m freeboard?

The current Municipal Development Plan, issued in December 2020, refers to the new Provincial 100-year regulatory design flow rate of 1850m3/s. Of the 23 times the design flow rate is mentioned, there are 2 occurrences where the old, outdated flow rate inadvertently did not get updated. The Town is aware of this and plans to update the MDP for this and a few other typographical errors in spring 2022.

When the berms are being constructed and heavy compaction is carried out, who will be covering the damages to house foundations and cracked wallboard that may occur?

There will be provisions in the contract documents requiring contractors to undertake the work in a manner to mitigate impacts to adjacent structures in their use of heavy equipment. Pre-construction inspection of adjacent properties may be completed. If any damages occur, they will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and responsibility assigned according to findings.

What measures are in place for protection of the greenbelt, in particular, the natural native poplar trees?

Unfortunately, some trees will need to be removed to facilitate construction. Tree inventories and assessment are completed during design and a 5:1 tree replacement strategy is being implemented.