Urban Forest Survey

Our team has conducted thorough site assessments and pinpointed several promising areas for Urban Forest Development. Your insights are crucial in ensuring we make the best decisions for our community's green spaces. The survey period is from July 5th to August 19th, 2024.


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East Coulee Phase 2 Construction Information

Posted on Mar. 18 2024

Phase 2 of the East Coulee Project is underway, with tree clearing having begun in February. Wrap up is anticipated at the end of March.   

The Town of Drumheller has begun advertising for interested parties to purchase and remove the homes that have been purchased as part of the Flood Mitigation Project. The purchasing process will allow interested parties to purchase, salvage and relocate structures on any of the properties. If there is no interest in building purchase, the structures will be demolished to make way for the berm construction.  Once the buildings are removed, the lands will be cleaned up and prepared for berm construction. 

Advertising for these homes has been posted online and can be accessed by clicking here. For more information on the properties, and for any inquiries regarding purchasing, please contact the Flood Mitigation Office by emailing floodreadiness@drumheller.ca or calling 403-823-4878.  

Pre-Construction Vibration Inspections will be completed in March for properties located near the construction sites. These inspections will be followed by the hauling of clay material to the area in late spring, once regulatory approvals are obtained.  

Work will continue throughout the spring and summer months and is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2024.  

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