Province Announces Drumheller as Grant Recipient for the Drought and Flood Protection Program
Posted on Aug. 12 2024
The Town of Drumheller is one of several recipients of grant funding for the Alberta Drought and Flood Protection Program. Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment and Protected Areas notified the town on August 6, 2024, that the funding application was successful, in addition to any other existing provincial grants.
The province has awarded $226,000 for the Lehigh Floodway Site Reclamation Project, which entails restoring purchased lands to their natural state and converting them into an Environmental Reserve.
The grant funding will help to support the removal of roadways and accesses, abandoned utilities, plant additional trees and incorporate additional Indigenous Consultation work, including input to the reclamation work and re-establishment of traditional uses in the area.
“We have been collaborating with local indigenous groups to seek opportunities to develop reclaimed land for educational and traditional uses,” begins Deighen Blakely, Flood Resiliency Project Director. “Given the interest expressed by these communities, this is an opportunity to collaborate in restoring the Lehigh lands.”
Construction in the area will begin in the fall of 2024 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
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